The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 6.18 with google_checks.xml ruleset.
Category | Rule | Violations | Severity |
coding | MissingSwitchDefault | 1 | Warning |
design | OneTopLevelClass | 1 | Warning |
imports | CustomImportOrder
50 | Warning |
indentation | Indentation
74 | Warning |
javadoc | JavadocMethod
5 | Warning |
JavadocParagraph | 2 | Warning | |
32 | Warning | |
naming | AbbreviationAsWordInName
2 | Warning |
11 | Warning | |
2 | Warning | |
1 | Warning | |
sizes | LineLength
2 | Warning |
whitespace | EmptyLineSeparator
1 | Warning |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | whitespace | EmptyLineSeparator | 'package' should be separated from previous statement. | 5 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 13 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 14 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 16 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 17 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.MagicDetector' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 19 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 21 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 37 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 47 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 57 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 67 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 77 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 87 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 111 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 117 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 143 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'freemarker.template.Configuration' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 7 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'freemarker.template.TemplateExceptionHandler' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 8 |
Warning | naming | LocalVariableName | Local variable name 'f' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 21 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 24 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 28 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpMethod' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 10 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.Logger' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 11 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 12 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 18 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 32 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 10 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 11 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 12 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 13 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 14 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 16 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 17 |
Warning | naming | AbbreviationAsWordInName | Abbreviation in name 'setIO' must contain no more than '1' capital letters. | 21 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 21 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 |
Warning | naming | LocalVariableName | Local variable name 'r' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 48 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'lombok.Data' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 6 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'spark.Request' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 7 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 11 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.nio.file.Files' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 12 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.nio.file.Path' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 13 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Arrays' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 14 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.HashMap' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 15 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.LinkedHashMap' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 16 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Map' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 17 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Optional' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 18 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.function.BiFunction' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 19 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.function.Consumer' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 20 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.function.Function' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 21 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.function.Predicate' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' on this line. | 22 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Wrong lexicographical order for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.Magic' import. Should be before 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'. | 27 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Wrong lexicographical order for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.MagicException' import. Should be before 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'. | 28 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Wrong lexicographical order for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.MagicMatch' import. Should be before 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'. | 29 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Wrong lexicographical order for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.MagicMatchNotFoundException' import. Should be before 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'. | 30 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Wrong lexicographical order for 'net.sf.jmimemagic.MagicParseException' import. Should be before 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'. | 31 |
Warning | naming | AbbreviationAsWordInName | Abbreviation in name 'OP' must contain no more than '1' capital letters. | 36 |
Warning | design | OneTopLevelClass | Top-level class OP has to reside in its own source file. | 36 |
Warning | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 100 characters (found 110). | 45 |
Warning | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 100 characters (found 105). | 46 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 120 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocParagraph | Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. | 133 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocParagraph | Empty line should be followed by <p> tag on the next line. | 154 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 217 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 229 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 242 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 264 |
Warning | naming | ParameterName | Parameter name 'f' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 277 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 282 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 293 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 307 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 322 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 355 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 359 |
Warning | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 389 |
Warning | coding | MissingSwitchDefault | switch without "default" clause. | 407 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 408 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 10. | 409 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 10. | 410 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 411 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 10. | 412 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 8, expected level should be 10. | 413 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Objects' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 14 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.Logger' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 16 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 17 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 28 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 56 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 76 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 77 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 78 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 79 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 80 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 81 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 82 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 83 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 84 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 85 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 86 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 87 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 88 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 89 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 90 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 91 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 92 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 93 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 94 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 95 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 96 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 97 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 98 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 99 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 100 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 101 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 102 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 103 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 104 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 105 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 106 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 107 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 108 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 109 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 118 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 119 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 120 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 121 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 122 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 123 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 124 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 125 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 126 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 127 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 128 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 129 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 130 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 131 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 132 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 133 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 134 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 135 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 136 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 137 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 138 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 139 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 140 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 141 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 142 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 143 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 144 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 145 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 146 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 147 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 148 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'case' child have incorrect indentation level 4, expected level should be 6. | 149 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 150 |
Warning | indentation | Indentation | 'block' child have incorrect indentation level 6, expected level should be 8. | 151 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 155 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 177 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 205 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 216 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 227 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 238 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 249 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 260 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 272 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for '' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 6 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.nio.file.Path' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 7 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.nio.file.Paths' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 8 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.HashMap' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 9 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Map' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 10 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'java.util.Objects' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 11 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.Logger' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 13 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting group 'SPECIAL_IMPORTS' on this line. | 14 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 29 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 38 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 48 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 63 |
Warning | javadoc | SummaryJavadoc | First sentence of Javadoc is incomplete (period is missing) or not present. | 74 |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 83 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | naming | CatchParameterName | Catch parameter name 'e' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 22 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.Logger' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 11 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 12 |
Warning | imports | CustomImportOrder | Import statement for 'spark.servlet.SparkFilter' is in the wrong order. Should be in the 'THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE' group, expecting not assigned imports on this line. | 14 |